Removing Profile Photos

Removing Profile Photos

It is possible to delete uploaded profile pictures from the Glue Up platform. This function applies to both end-users and administrators. On the end-user side, if members or event attendees (anyone who has a Glue Up login account) wish to … Read More
How To Ensure Registration Forms Matches with Multiple Ticket Types

How To Ensure Registration Forms Matches with Multiple Ticket Types

Please note that ticket types will automatically use DEFAULT FORM as your registration form. If you would like to use a specific type of registration form you’ve created under REGISTRATION FORM, please ensure to select REQUIRE ATTENDEE INFORMATION FOR EACH … Read More
Changing Zoom Webinar Registration Fields to Optional

Changing Zoom Webinar Registration Fields to Optional

First Method To fix sync issues with your Zoom account, follow these steps: Log into your Zoom account. Go to Account Settings. Click on Webinar Registration Settings. Make sure that all the boxes under “required” are unchecked. This will ensure … Read More