Additional Recipients for Membership System Emails

Additional Recipients for Membership System Emails

We’re excited to announce a new feature that we’ve released for the Glue Up Memberships Module! With this new functionality, organization admins can now add up to 5 additional email addresses as recipients of Membership system emails. This feature was … Read More
Discard option for unfinished membership imports

Discard option for unfinished membership imports

Introduction With the discard feature, users can effortlessly eliminate unfinished imports, ensuring that only accurate and relevant information finds its way into the system. This enhancement significantly contributes to maintaining data integrity, an essential aspect of successful membership management.   … Read More
Memberships – Membership Products (Add-ons)

Memberships – Membership Products (Add-ons)

Introduction Membership products are add-on items that members of your organization can purchase when they join or renew their membership. They can be physical or digital items that your organization offers to applicants at a predetermined price or at an … Read More
How to Deactivate a Membership Type

How to Deactivate a Membership Type

Deactivate a membership type by selecting “Membership Types” under Membership Settings.   Click the three-dot action button next to the membership type you want to deactivate and select Deactivate.   ℹ Note: Membership profiles belonging to a deactivated membership type … Read More
Reassigning a Membership Profile to a Different Membership Type

Reassigning a Membership Profile to a Different Membership Type

To switch a membership profile from one type of membership to another, navigate to the Memberships section of the Membership Module.   Open the profile you wish to update from the list of memberships to view Membership Details.   Click … Read More
Refunds for Stripe Transactions

Refunds for Stripe Transactions

You can initiate refunds for online transactions made through Stripe directly from the Finance module. To initiate a refund, navigate to the Payments page in the Finance module, click on the three-dots action button next to the payment item, and … Read More
New Member Welcome Email

New Member Welcome Email

Overview The Welcome Email is a customizable automated email that you can use to welcome members to your organization after their memberships are activated. The Welcome Email is separate and independent of the Membership Activation email that goes out as … Read More
Processing Credit Card Payments (Member Applications & Renewals)

Processing Credit Card Payments (Member Applications & Renewals)

Go to the Workflow Manager section of the Membership Module Within the Workflow Manager go to either Applications or Renewals. Once in the Applications (or Renewals) section you will see those applications/renewals that are Awaiting Payment   Select the application … Read More