Campaign Report

Once you send a campaign, you can evaluate the efficiency of the campaign with a campaign report. You can track the number of emails opened, clicked, bounced, and ignored.

Campaigns – Campaigns – Sent

1. Overview statistics for the last 20 campaigns

2. Export statistics for all sent campaigns

3. Navigate inside statistics report for more details



Shows the number of recipients who downloaded the pictures of the email campaign. Opening the email without downloading pictures does not account for Opened.


Shows the number of recipients who clicked on any link in the email campaign.


Shows the number of soft bounced or the first time hard bounced.
Soft bounce is a temporary bounce. Reasons for a bounce are:
• recipient’s server is overloaded
• mailbox is full
• etc.
Email cannot be delivered to the current campaign. Soft bounced emails will not necessarily bounce again and most likely be delivered in the following campaigns.
Hard bounce is a permanent bounce. Reasons for this type of bounce are:
• recipient’s server blocks sender email address as untrusted
• corporate email filtering policy blocks the content as non-work related
• the most common reason is the email address is invalid
• etc.
Email cannot be delivered in the current or following campaigns.


Shows the number of unsubscribed and the second time hard bounced.


Please review Email Bounces for more details on bounced reasons.