Congratulations on getting ready to go live on the Glue Up system! Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you through the process:

1. Activating Memberships:       

Q: How do I give members access to Glue Up?
A: You can communicate with end users through two types of emails:

Welcome Email: For new members, this email contains instructions on how to register a Glue Up account on My Glue, login on web or Mobile App, and update/manage their member profile. Learn how to create a welcome email here.
Platform Migration Email: For current members migrating to Glue Up, this email guides them on how to transition smoothly to the new platform.
Q: How can end users learn more about navigating My Glue and updating information on the system?
A: Provide a virtual or live orientation after Go live or send resources such as this My Glue end user guide.

2. Publishing Events:

Q: What are the key steps to publish an event on Glue Up?

  • Create the event and populate all relevant data, including event summary, speakers, sponsors, layout, and tickets.
  • Once all information is in place, publish the event.
  • Promote the event through campaigns to maximize visibility.
  • Use widgets to link Glue Up to your event for better visibility and increased registrations.
  • Encourage attendees to add the event to their calendar for easy access and reminders.
  • Consider hosting a My Glue orientation specifically for the event community to ensure everyone is familiar with the platform.

Learn more about creating and managing events here.
3. Sending Campaigns:

Q: What are the best practices for campaign deliverability on Glue Up?
A: Ensure high deliverability of your campaigns by following best practices such as:

Q: How can I build community engagement through campaigns?
A: Strategies to build community engagement include:

  • Providing valuable content and resources that are relevant to your audience.
  • Encouraging interaction through surveys, and discussions in various groups and communities.
  • Hosting virtual events or webinars to foster connections among community members.

Q: What privacy settings should I be aware of when sending campaigns?
A: Ensure compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR by:

  • Obtaining consent from recipients before sending marketing communications.
  • Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect sensitive data.
  • Validating data to ensure accuracy and compliance with privacy laws.
  • Learn more on how to activate Opt In consent on Glue Up.