
The bulk membership cancellation feature allows administrators to cancel multiple memberships at once, streamlining the process and saving time. Previously, memberships could only be canceled one by one, but with this new feature, administrators can select multiple memberships from the list and cancel them all simultaneously.

How to Use the Bulk Membership Cancellation Feature

  1. Navigate to the membership list in the administration panel.
  2. Select the memberships you want to cancel. You can either select all memberships or choose specific ones.
  3. Click on the “Cancel Memberships” button.
  4. A confirmation box will appear. Click “Ok” to proceed.
  5. The selected memberships will be canceled, and their status will be updated accordingly.

In case you don’t want to send an email notifying the members about the cancellation, be sure to check the box that says “Disable email notification.”

Note: Once memberships are canceled, they cannot be re-enabled, as the system does not support enabling canceled imported memberships.

Importing Cancelled Memberships

In addition, we have introduced another valuable feature related to membership management – the “Import Canceled Memberships” feature. This functionality allows administrators to import memberships from a file and mark them as canceled status in a single operation. When importing a file, administrators can choose the option to import memberships with the canceled status. Once the import is completed, a confirmation message will indicate that all the imported memberships have been successfully marked as canceled.