
Single and multiple-choice fields are form fields that allow users to select one or more options from a predefined list. Single-choice fields only allow one option, while multiple-choice fields allow multiple options. The advantages of using single and multiple-choice fields are that they can simplify the input process, reduce errors, and facilitate data analysis. However, some disadvantages are that they can limit the range of responses, introduce bias, and affect the validity and reliability of the results. Below, we will detail the steps required to import data for such fields into Glue Up.

Step 1: Download the Answer Key for the Field

The first step is to download the answer key for the field in which you want to import data. The answer key is a file that contains the mapping between the choices in the field and the corresponding codes that Glue Up uses to identify them.

To download the answer key, you need to:

  • Log in to your Glue Up admin portal.
  • Click on the Settings menu on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on Field settings under Contact Settings.
  • Locate the field that you want to import data for and click on the three-dots action button next to it.
  • Click on Download answer list. This will trigger a download on your browser.

The downloaded file will have two columns: Answer and Answer Key. The Answer column shows the choices in the field in English, and the Answer Key column shows the codes that Glue Up uses to identify them. For example, if you have a field called “Favorite Color” with four choices: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, the answer key file might look like this:

AnswerAnswer Key


Step 2: Use the Answer Key on Your Import File

The second step is to use the answer key on your import file. The import file is the file that contains the data that you want to import into Glue Up. It should be an Excel file with the contact information in the columns, and one row for each contact.

To use the answer key on your import file, you need to:

  • Open your import file in Excel.
  • Locate the column that corresponds to the field that you want to import data for. For example, if you want to import data for the “Favorite Color” field, find the column that has the favorite color of each contact.
  • Replace the choices in the column with the codes from the answer key file. For example, if a contact has “Red” as their favorite color, replace it with “1”. If a contact has “Blue” and “Green” as their favorite colors, replace it with “2,3”. Use commas to separate multiple codes for multiple choice fields.
  • Save your import file as an Excel file.

Your import file should now have the codes for the choices in the field instead of the choices themselves. For example, if you have a file with three contacts and their favorite colors, it might look like this:

NameEmailFavorite Color