Member Account Registration on Glue Up

Member Account Registration on Glue Up

The Organization (most likely a Chamber or an Association) you are a member of has migrated to Glue Up. Your membership does not change, but now you can also use the Glue Up platform to connect with their activities and … Read More
My Glue App

My Glue App

Engage, network, and receive information on events, newsletters, memberships, and more from your smartphone! How to use Glue Up mobile app? Download the My Glue App on App Store or Google Play. If you are a new user, register to … Read More
Onsite Events

Onsite Events

Badges Attendee badges are an essential part of most in-person events as they identify attendees. With the Glue Up platform you can design, export, and print badges for your onsite event. Within the Events Module, go to 4. Manage and Badges … Read More
The Importance of a Digital Business Card

The Importance of a Digital Business Card

The Importance of a Digital Business Card Digital business cards are a new concept that’s been slowly advancing toward day-to-day use by leveraging smartphones. Its user adoption has been slow, but subtle hints at its emergence in 2020 are becoming … Read More
Public Lookup for Company Names

Public Lookup for Company Names

In order to reduce the probability of your members and attendees from generating duplicated companies in your Contacts database, we enabled the Public Lookup for Company names. This feature will allow public lookup for all company names in your Contacts during … Read More