Payment Promise
This feature is only available to select customers upon request. If you are interested in this feature, please get in touch with your Sales or Customer Success representative at Glue Up.
“Payment Promise,” also known as deferred payment, is an agreement between the organization and customers (membership applicants, event attendees, etc.) allowing the end-users to immediately start enjoying their membership benefits or attend an event while still allowing the organization to track and update payments in the future.
How to activate payment promise as an option for payers
For organizations that have opted into this feature, the platform shows an extra option called “Payment Promise” as a payment method for membership and events. By checking this box, the payers will be allowed to select this method as their payment method.
The organization can enter the terms of this agreement in the text box labeled “Payment Promise Details.”
Once the organization receives the total payment amount, the admins can update the payment method by following the steps below:
Step 1: Select Finance → Payments on the left-side panel
Step 2: Click on the three-dots icon next to the transaction you wish to update and select “edit.”
Step 3: Select the correct payment method from the dropdown menu and click on “Save.”