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To add chapter options for an existing membership type, navigate to the Settings menu and select Membership Types under Membership Settings. Locate the membership type for which you want to enable chapter selection, click the three-dot action button on the right, and then click Edit. Since the platform doesn’t let you enable chapter selection for an existing membership type directly, you’ll need to first create a new version by clicking the “Create New Version” button.

Once you have done so, you can enable chapter options by checking the “Add chapters to this membership type” box under Chapter Inclusion Settings. Then select the chapter options available for that membership type. If you want to set a minimum and maximum number of chapters that applicants can select, enter these numbers in the Advanced Settings section.

Click Save and Continue twice to proceed to the third step, New Version Advanced Pricing. This is where you can set up pricing configurations for chapters.

There are three chapter pricing models. Fixed Pricing Model, Volume Pricing Model, and Tiered Pricing Model. The fixed pricing model allows you to set a fixed price for all chapters. Volume pricing model allows you to offer a discounted price based on the number of chapters selected by the applicant. The higher the number of chapters, the lower the price per chapter. The tiered pricing model allows you to define tiers; the price per chapter is defined based on predetermined tiers.

After you have selected the pricing model you prefer and filled in the required fields, you can proceed by clicking Save and continue to publish the new version. Once the new version of the membership type has been applied, the new chapter options will be available to applicants.