Congratulations! The fact you are on this page at this very moment means that you have either renewed a contract with an existing customer or upsold additional services such as Google Analytics, Email Add-on or something else. To help Customer Success Team do their job, please list the important details they need in a short form below (a copy of the submission will be delivered to your email too).

Important: If this is a new customer, please use the Client Handover Form instead.

    About You
    Your Name
    Your Email Address
    Basic Information About Customer
    Organization Name
    Organization Name (in Chinese)
    Name of client's Project Manager
    Email of client's Project Manager
    Phone number of client's Project Manager
    Current Customer Success Manager:
    About the Customer's Needs
    Is this a renewal or add-on?
    What's the total value of the first year agreement (or whole value in case of One-off Event)
    Which domain is customer's account on?
    Are there any changes to the bank account details where the money should be paid out?
    CRM Contact Allowance (Total) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Offline Event Allowance (per Year) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Online Event Allowance (per Year) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Email Allowance (per Year) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Attendee Allowance (per Offline Event) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Attendee Allowance (per Online Event) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Authorized User Allowance (Total) - if it stays same you can type "no change"
    Which add-ons/integrations has customer purchased? (choose new purchases if any)
    1.Chapter Management2.Dedicated IP Address for Emails3.DNS Setup4.Dedicated Subdomain & API Access5.Website Solution6.Google Analytics7.Xero Integration8.QuickBooks Integration9.White-label My Glue App10.Custom Event Template11.Attendee Chat for My Glue App12.Zoom - Basic Integration13.Webinar Engagement Solution - Advanced Zoom integration14.Webinar Engagement Solution - Our own Agora-powered WES15.Community Engagement Package16.Paygage Gateway17.Stripe Gateway18.CPD/CPE Credits19.Speed Networking20.Surveys
    If the customer purchased Dedicated Subdomain, what is their desired name of the subdomain?
    If the customer purchased Speed Networking, type: 1) # of events purchased 2) # of attendees 3) airtime allowance
    If the customer purchased Surveys, type number of surveys please
    Which support package has customer purchased?

    Important Dates
    Contract start date
    Contract end date
    Other Important Information About the Customer/Request
    Any details about renewal/add-on or other special requests
    To the best of your knowlege, how satisfied is this customer currently with Glue Up?
    At this point in time, do you think it is a good idea to ask customer for the online review?
    Sponsorship Benefits
    Invoicing and other instructions for Finance Team

    Check your email for the copy of the submission.