The Glue Up platform lets you provide your users with the ability to opt-in to your organization’s privacy policy and terms of use. Opt-in consent is provided for account registration, event registration, membership application, and subscription sign-up workflows. This also allows your organization to comply with the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about GDPR, click here 


In the Consent Preferences section of Account Settings, you can turn on, turn off, and make changes to your organization’s opt-in consent settings.

To make changes to your organization’s consent settings, click the gear icon ⚙️ located in the platform’s top navigation bar to open the Organization Settings dropdown. In the dropdown’s Account Settings column, select Privacy Settings.


Now in the Privacy Settings > Consent Preferences tab, determine whether you want to activate opt-in consent for your organization’s terms.


When activated, checkboxes to opt-in to your organization’s terms will appear respectively during account registration, event registration, membership application, and subscription sign-up workflows.


After you add the appropriate links for your organization’s privacy policy and terms of use, hyperlinks will be added into the opt-in text. You can include additional description text to provide a more thorough explanation of your organization’s terms.  Choose a date that provides enough time for you to notify (and remind) users that your organization will be adhering to GDPR. When you activate opt-in consent, all subscriptions will be marked with an Opt-in tag by default and will only be available to users that have opted in. Subscribers that are part of opt-in subscription lists but have not opted in will not receive the related subscriptions.



After you activate opt-in consent, you can import a list of current contacts that previously provided your organization with consent.

To upload a list of these contacts, export any needed contact lists from your CRM database by clicking the quick-access export icon in the main screen of the Contact module’s Contacts section and ensure the Terms Opt-in field is included in the list of selected fields.



After you have downloaded the Excel file, input the status “Yes” or “No” in the Terms Opt-in column for each contact.

Tip: If you only want to update the Terms Opt-in fields for existing contacts in the platform, please make sure you only import the basic elements for each contact: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Terms Opt-in.



Once complete, click the down arrow icon on the + Add Contact button located in the CRM module’s Contacts section, select Import Contacts, and upload the same Excel sheet back into the platform.


On the following page, ensure the Contains Headers option is selected and click the Select Headers button to continue and that all columns in your Excel sheet match the CRM fields. In the Data Import Options area, select the Overwrite Any Related Data option. You can then complete the process by clicking the Finish Import button.


Adding custom description text


You can also choose whether to add custom description text for event registration, membership application, and subscription sign-up workflows. Click the + Add Custom Description button to add additional text for a specific workflow.


You can customize up to 3 specific workflow opt-in workflows including for events, subscriptions and memberships.



Important: Opt-in consent must first be activated in the Consent Preferences section of Account Settings. When opt-in consent is activated, checkboxes to opt-in to your organization’s terms will appear during account registration, event registration, membership application, and subscription sign-up workflows


Individual Events:

When setting up an event, you can turn opt-in consent on or off for ticket purchasers in the Event module’s General Settings subsection of Event Settings.



Individual Subscriptions: 

When you add or edit a subscription list in the Subscriptions section of the Campaigns module, you can turn opt-in consent on or off for all subscribers. If a user was already subscribed to a subscription that will require opt-in consent, the user must visit his or her respective subscription management page to opt-in to your organization’s terms before he or she can receive the subscription again.



Membership Applications:

When opt-in consent is activated, all membership applications and related workflows will contain a checkbox requiring opt-in consent for your organization’s terms.



When selecting email campaign recipients in the Campaign module, recipient selection options are sorted according to category. In the contacts section, you can select all subscribers with terms opt-in, all committee members with terms opt-in, all subscribers without terms opt-in, or all committees without terms opt-in. Any subscription list selection with the Opt-in tag means the subscription requires opt-in consent from a user before he or she is able to receive the subscription. This means that if you select recipients of a subscription that requires opt-in consent, your campaign will only go to the recipients who previously opted in. These conditions also apply to committee lists and committee member selections.  Add a [Subscription Center Link] merge tag to collect consent from your recipients. This merge tag link will direct users to the MyGlue Up Subscription Center to manage their subscriptions. It is also recommended to send a second campaign to remind your users to opt in.



When you enter a contact profile in the CRM module, you can determine whether or not a contact has opted into your organization’s terms if an Opt-in tag is located in the top left corner by the contact’s name. Additionally, you can quickly view who has opted in to your organization’s terms by adding a column to the main table in the Contacts section.

Tip: You can view any opt-in and opt-out dates in the CRM profile’s Subscriptions & Committees tab.