Access Pass Advertising

Promote your events by using one of our newly added advertisement tools – Access Pass Advertising.



Upload a commercial image into e-ticket to advertise your event, sponsor or partner.

You can remove the advertisement image, upload a new one and preview the access pass.


Note: you can monetise by charging an advertiser for a premium spot, or use this feature to embellish your e-ticket with your organization’s team, logo, branding content, or even to provide additional information about the event contents, or event venue.

Note 2: you can use this section to promote your organization if you wish not to monetize it. Also you could use it to provide a picture of your team, of the venue, a coupon or even additional information that could be at hand for the event attendees.

Please note that “Include e-ticket in confirmation e-mail” in Event settings needs to be enabled for this feature.